Tuesday, 30 June 2009

The Age of Neo-Enightenment supported.

I have come across a useful article online 21st Century Neo-Enlightenment by
Julie Barko Germany
which supports part of my criteria for the qualification of this period being one of Enlightenment. Julie Barko Germany sets out the criteria for a social/political digital enlightenment by stipulating that in order for 21st Century Democracy to progress:

1. A system of education that enables the population to possess more than just a functional literacy. We need an education that teaches technological literacy and fosters innovation system.

2. Increased, affordable access to the Internet, including civic Wi-Fi, cybercafés and Internet stations in economically disadvantages areas, and broadband networks in rural communities.

3. A spirit of public leadership that understands and values technology, and a belief that some buzzwords of the Digital age—such as “increased openness,” “collaboration,” and “transparency”—are imperatives for public office, not clichés.

4. Additional guarantees of free speech and privacy, despite the temptations that ubiquitous computing will pose to more closely monitor citizens and restrict speech.

5. Finally, a lack of fear about and exploration of the potential of technology to make voting more accessible and more direct.

I think the manner in which Julie Barko Germany has coupled these ideas with examples by Marquis Antoine-Nicolas de Condorcet is nicely put. I am aware though that the proponents of the Enlightenment were for the most part Les Grands or Bourgeois and although the likes of Jurgen Habermas cites the existence of a public sphere the access to it as a means for debate was very much restricted. One could argue that a certain level of learning should be attained before entering into a debate but the fact remains that that public sphere was not a democratised space. I can give this blog as an example of why an element of elitism might have been required - in this space I present ideas that lack clarity and are temporal and nascent but conversely how am i to improve the quality of my thought without debate?

Damn, I'm running late - I hate feeling G.C.S.E. level when I need to be Degree level to sort this muddle out. I need more evidence.

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